Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Attitude Tuesday - December 20

Everyone has an attitude today and I must admit, so do I.  Students don't want to be in school, teachers want to be shopping, or home, or just anywhere that's not a school and those of us in the administrative office are bearing the brunt of the everyone's bad attitudes. 

I had a break from training in the middle of the day because I chose to work in my office instead of going out to lunch.  I'm glad the training is completed and now I can try to catch up.

I'm tired, crabby and emotional. 

I arrived home to find that my DD rolled out, cut out and baked the sugar cookies.  While I love her for helping me out, she didn't bake them long enough to make them crispy.  So now I have 8 dozen sugar cut-out cookies that are, as my mom would say, under baked.  I don't dare say anything because I don't want to hurt her feelings, but what do I do about the cookies?

Hubby and I took an early morning drive last Saturday.  Mostly just to get out of the house on a beautiful morning, but also to check on our camper at the campgrounds about 45 minutes north of where we live.  It still amazes us how much difference in the weather there is between our home and where our camper is.  They had quite a bit more snow at the campgrounds than we had at home.

The wildlife is so spectacular and I could sit and watch it all day long.  The deer are especially active at the campgrounds this time of year simply because there aren't as many campers around.  The campgrounds is open all year, so if we wanted to, we could be camping during a snowstorm.  Personally, that's not my idea of fun, but there are alot of people who like to hike the trails during the winter, snowmobile, sled, skate and ice fish.

Hoping your attitude is better than mine and that you are able to find some quiet moments during this busy season.

Until next time...
Happy Stitchin'


  1. Call the cookies moist and chewy, lol. You can rescue them by putting chocolate sauce or preserves on them and then putting them back in the preheated oven for a few minutes to "warm up the topping", or you can just let her serve them to some of her friends and let them tell her they should be crispier. Or maybe you have a new Christmas cookie recipe, lol.

    Schools can't run without the behind the scenes work you're doing, so I appreciate you! Just a few more days 'til Christmas....just a few more days...

  2. Beautiful photos of the woods. Umm, about the cookies.. I dunno. Can you pop them in the oven for a bit longer when she's not around?


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