Thursday, July 11, 2024

Another Short Post - Still Asking For Prayers

 Hello Friends,

It has been a month since I last posted.  Baby H went to the pediatric cardiologist late last week.  The doctor told us that the hole is 7 mm in size and that there has been no change.   

We saw a different doctor than the doctors we saw last month.  He asked my daughter what their "goal" was for Baby H and what treatment they were seeking.  She told the doctor that was the most absurd question and she didn't even know how to answer that.

The doctor discussed Baby H's ongoing care and, if he needs surgery, it would be when he is 6-8 months old.  For now, they are only going to monitor Baby H and treat symptoms that develope.  The doctor also discussed that Baby H should not go to daycare when my daughter returns to work next month.  One of the biggest concerns is preventing Baby H from getting infections and being around other small children is too risky right now.

My daughter's mother-in-law and I will be taking care of Baby H when my daughter returns to work.  It means a big schedule change for me and I'm lucky that my two jobs allow for me to change my schedule to accommodate this new situation.

Baby H was exhibiting symptoms of a respiratory infection and because of his heart issue, the pediatrician advised that he go to the ER yesterday.  Chest x-ray, covid test, strep test, and RSV test all came back negative and the exam results were normal.   There was a moment of panic as my daughter thought about heart failure being a possibility.   The ER doctor assured my daughter that Baby H was not in heart failure.  The doctor is thinking it may be seasonal allergies, but due to his young age and heart issue, they won't treat it unless it gets severe.

Since my daughter has asked that I don't share photos of her children, here's a bouquet of blooms from my Hydrangea bush.  I helped with the Volunteer Luncheon at our local Food Pantry and used the blooms for the centerpieces.

Please keep Baby H and my family in your thoughts and prayers.

Praying that you and your families are doing well.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Just a Short Post - Asking for Prayers

Hello Dear Friends,

Just a short post today.  I pray that you are all doing well.

My grandson is eight weeks old now.  When he went for his one month doctor appointment, his pediatrician heard a heart murmur and referred Baby H to a pediatric cardiologist.

Last week, Baby H had several tests, an echocardiogram, and saw the pediatric cardiologist.  He has been diagnosed with Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), which is a hole in the ventricular wall separating the ventricles of the lower heart.  The doctor is calling this a genetic heart defect, although no other family member on either side has been diagnosed with this or any other heart defect.

Baby H goes back to the pediatric cardiologist on July 5.  The doctors will determine at that time if the hole has changed.  In some cases, the hole closes on its own and in other cases, surgical intervention is needed to close the hole.

I am respecting my daughter and son-in-law's wishes and not sharing a full photo of Baby H.  

Please keep Baby H and my family in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Happy Spring!

Hello Dear Friends,

Are you having spring weather or winter weather -- or if you live in Illinois like I do, you're having both!  One day it is sunny and warm and the next it is windy and cold.  Even with our typical midwest weather swings, the spring flowers are popping up and birds have migrated back to our area.

Our youngest daughter has transferred from an Army base in Tennessee to one in Colorado.  Her and her fiance have purchased property with almost eight acres, barn and outbuildings.  

A week after they moved in, they had a snow storm.  My daughter said they didn't think they would get much snow.  She was wrong!  We had been hearing on the news that Colorado was going to get more snow than they have had in several years and that it would be measured in feet, not inches.

My daughter sent this picture.  They had 22 inches of snow, lost power for two days and, since they didn't think it would get so bad, they hadn't gone grocery shopping, so they didn't have much food.  She says she now understands why everyone goes shopping before a snow storm, lol.  A week later the snow was all gone.

My daughter has always loved animals and we have a new grand-dogger!

Meet Lulu, a four-month-old Lab mix puppy.  

Lulu looks very much like Callie, our daughter's older dog.

If you follow me on social media, you already know that I casually mentioned to Hubby that I wanted a working Singer Featherweight sewing machine.  A couple days later, he found one on marketplace that was a reasonable price and close to home.

This Featherweight was manufactured in October 1953.  She needed some maintenance and cleaning, which has just been completed and I'm excited to start using her.

I've been busy stitching, crocheting and making cards.  In February, my nephew and his fiance welcomed a little girl to their family.  I crocheted a blanket that has become their favorite.

I made another baby blanket for my new grandson expected in April.

I had help choosing the animals for this blanket from the soon-to-be big brother.  Of course, he decided he needed a new blanket too.

So I crocheted another blanket for big brother-to-be.

This past Tuesday, we welcomed our new grandson to the world!

My grandson is so in love with his baby brother! Baby Brother weighed 6 lbs 12 oz and 19.5 inches long.  Both mom and baby are doing well.

I pray that you and your families are all doing well.

Until next time,

Happy Stitchin'