Monday, April 4, 2016

Happy Monday

It's still pretty chaotic around here.  Hollie, the grand-dogger is still here, growing fast and getting into whatever she can find.  

Found Hollie laying under the antique desk.  I turned away for a second and looked back to find her sleeping there.  Silly puppy sleeps just about anywhere :)


There are several of these finches visiting my feeders.  I was thinking they are House Finches, but my neighbor says they are Purple Finches.  Whichever type of finch they are, they are a very bright red and are always singing (when they aren't eating at the feeders).

Still haven't started any projects, but I did have a needle and thread in my hand the other day.  Three dog toys needed some repair thanks to the teething puppy.

Are you having spring weather or winter weather in your area?  Or maybe you're having weather like we have in Illinois -- more than one season in one day!  I've been told that this is normal Illinois weather, but I don't remember ever having the strong winds as often as we have had.  The strong winds that hit on Saturday took part of our roof off the house.  Several of our neighbors also lost parts of their roofs. Hopefully we can get our roof fixed soon.

Have a great & safe week!


  1. Hollie is dog-dorable! I cannot tell male House Finches from Purple Finches, but the females look different around the eye, so those I can tell apart! If I see female Purple Finches, I assume the males with them are also Purple Finches. Here's a guide to help:

  2. Beautiful puppy so cute , and love your birds .
    Our weather is strange too this year , we also have had some bad storms this year .
    Hope you get your roof fixed soon .

  3. Hollie is adorable. Who could resist that face of hers?!?!? We have taken down our regular feeders and will probably put out a hummingbird feeder in a couple weeks. Enjoy your week!

  4. That is funny, Pam, because we just saw the very same reddish colored finches at our bird feeder the other day. We had never seen them before and wondered what kind of bird they were.

    I'll bet you'll find Hollie doesn't want to leave when her visit ends :) I'm sure you've been spoiling her "just a a bit" like any good grandma would!!

  5. At least Hollie is adorable. We do have Spring here in the NW. I am worried that it is so warm. That could mean a very hot summer and few things are air conditioned! We could be in for some real misery.

  6. We're having summer weather and we can't afford it after the years of drought - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll get some good storms this month. The puppy is super cute

  7. I have about five House Finches eating outside my office window right now... looks the same as your picture. There are tiny little differences tho... Your grand dog is adorable... who CAN resist that face??!! Weather is screwy here in Tidewater Virginia too...

  8. I don't know that this is "normal" Illinois weather... I've lived here a long time. lol

    The finches are pretty.

    The granddoggie is adorable.


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