Tuesday, April 3, 2012


It’s been another busy, busy week and I can’t even remember it all!

My mom saw the oncologist last Wednesday and the news was not unexpected.  This course of chemo hasn’t been providing results.  Mom will have a break until the end of May and then start a different chemo medication.  The Dr is hoping the 6 week break will give her kidneys time to recover and restore some function.  She is also now experiencing a flare up of her congestive heart failure and will need treatment for it during this 6 week break.


Snickers saw the vet again.  The spinal injury is healing well, but Snickers still needs some anti-inflammatory medication.

Isn’t it just typical?  I put a rug down in the grass for Snickers to lay on, but she wouldn’t lay on it!


We came home the other day to find half the wood pile had fallen.  We’re not sure what made it fall, but it took Hubby over two hours to restack all the wood.

Until next time…

Happy Stitchin’


  1. Too funny about Snickers. Every time I see a pic of the doggie, it brings a smile to my face. Just so darn cute!!

  2. I hope your mom and your doggie stay in good health!

  3. Praying for your Mom. Snickers is so cute!

  4. I am sorry to hear your mom is having health problems - I will pray the new treatment is effective. And please tell Snickers he is too cute :)

  5. So sorry to hear the news about your mum. Fabulous photo of the flower at the top of your post.

  6. have awarded you Liebster Blog Award

  7. Hi Pam,
    I've nominated your blog for a Liebster Award.
    Please check out the info on my blog


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