Hello Dear Friends,
Just a short post today. I pray that you are all doing well.
My grandson is eight weeks old now. When he went for his one month doctor appointment, his pediatrician heard a heart murmur and referred Baby H to a pediatric cardiologist.
Last week, Baby H had several tests, an echocardiogram, and saw the pediatric cardiologist. He has been diagnosed with Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), which is a hole in the ventricular wall separating the ventricles of the lower heart. The doctor is calling this a genetic heart defect, although no other family member on either side has been diagnosed with this or any other heart defect.
Baby H goes back to the pediatric cardiologist on July 5. The doctors will determine at that time if the hole has changed. In some cases, the hole closes on its own and in other cases, surgical intervention is needed to close the hole.