It's still pretty chaotic around here. Hollie, the grand-dogger is still here, growing fast and getting into whatever she can find.
Found Hollie laying under the antique desk. I turned away for a second and looked back to find her sleeping there. Silly puppy sleeps just about anywhere :)
There are several of these finches visiting my feeders. I was thinking they are House Finches, but my neighbor says they are Purple Finches. Whichever type of finch they are, they are a very bright red and are always singing (when they aren't eating at the feeders).
Still haven't started any projects, but I did have a needle and thread in my hand the other day. Three dog toys needed some repair thanks to the teething puppy.
Are you having spring weather or winter weather in your area? Or maybe you're having weather like we have in Illinois -- more than one season in one day! I've been told that this is normal Illinois weather, but I don't remember ever having the strong winds as often as we have had. The strong winds that hit on Saturday took part of our roof off the house. Several of our neighbors also lost parts of their roofs. Hopefully we can get our roof fixed soon.
Have a great & safe week!