Tuesday, March 24, 2015

SFS - 03/2015


Spent:  $0
Earned:  $0
Balance to Carry Over:  $69.22

I'm happy to report that I spent NOTHING this month!  I did get the March and April A Year in Chalk designs that my hubby got me for Christmas.  It comes as an auto-ship and since he ordered it in December and he pays for the auto-shipments, I have not included that in my monthly SFS.

I must admit, however, that I'm finding it increasingly difficult to resist purchasing all the designs and stash I keep seeing online.

I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone did this month!


  1. You did a lot better on your budget then me
    I find it very hard to resist al those beautiful designs
    Hopefully i will get better at it :)

  2. Good for you on the no spend month! And congrats on the new patterns.

  3. Good job! I should give this budgeting a try.

  4. Well done Pam. I did spend but when I signed up for my auto for the CCN ornaments charts I also signed up for fabric and threads and they have to be declared. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to keep it up this year though as I keel seeing too many pretty things on blogs!


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