Monday, December 23, 2024


Hello Dear Friends,

I can't believe it is Christmas already!  I am not ready at all and everything is on hold for a bit now.

My oldest daughter started getting sick last week.  A trip to prompt care confirmed Influenza A.  She has been very sick.  By Friday, Baby H and I both were sick too.  Hubby started getting sick on Saturday.

So far, my son-in-law and oldest grandson have not gotten sick.  We've canceled all of our Christmas plans so we don't pass this on to the rest of our extended family.

I'll be back after the holidays to catch up.  Praying you stay safe and healthy.

Wishing you a Joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

No Change, but Still Thankful!

Hi friends,  

I hope you are all doing well.  

Baby H saw the pediatric cardiologist on Friday.  There have been no changes with the ventricle hole, but the doctor did say the velocity of blood flow is increasing and that is a good thing.  She said Baby H looks really good and healthy.

Baby H gained another 6 ounces and now weighs just under 14 pounds.  He is considered small for being almost five months old, but given his medical issue and the fact that his parents and big brother are also small, the doctor is pleased with his weight gain.  The doctor said she still only wants to monitor him and, unless he has a problem, will see him again in January.

My oldest grandson started afternoon preschool just before Labor Day.  He gets really upset when he has to leave his brother to get on the bus.  He says he likes school, but doesn't want to leave his brother.  I let him pick a picture of his brother to carry in his backpack and talked with him about why he gets so upset.  

Thursday morning, my oldest grandson and I picked tomatoes.  We picked all that you see on the counter.  He was excited to pick so many tomatoes.  My grandson took some home and we shared some with my mom.

I've been stitching in the evenings and have almost all of my ornaments for Christmas gifts stitched.  

I changed a couple floss colors to add some pink to match my daughter's pastel themed tree.  I will FFO these when I have a finishing day.

I need some suggestions for Christmas ornaments for my youngest grandson.  I have stitched Prairie Schooler's Button Up for my oldest grandson.  Any ideas you care to share would be great!

This gorgeous Monarch butterfly visited my garden today.  I enjoyed watching it go from flower to flower.

The hummingbirds have been crazy!  We have the hummingbirds that are here all summer plus the ones passing through on their migration south.  We usually have hummingbirds here until the middle of October and I'm hopeful they'll be here for several more weeks.

Thank you for your continued prayers! They are so appreciated!

Wishing you a great week!

Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Hi Dear Friends!

I've been crazy busy since my daughter returned to her teaching job two weeks ago.

I am loving the time with my grandsons, but I under-estimated how much energy it takes to take care of a baby and four year old! I'm sure we'll get in a daily routine...eventually, lol.

My grandson returns to the pediatric cardiologist on September 6. At his last appointment, things were the same. Although we pray for improvement, we're thankful for no change as that means it isn't worse.

It is hard to believe my youngest grandson is now four months old. I took Big Brother to an appointment today and Baby H fell asleep in his carseat during the drive. I had to take this picture of his little hands folded, as if in prayer.  This is something new for him.

Thank you for your continued prayers! We so appreciate them!

Take care!