Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Hi Dear Friends!

I've been crazy busy since my daughter returned to her teaching job two weeks ago.

I am loving the time with my grandsons, but I under-estimated how much energy it takes to take care of a baby and four year old! I'm sure we'll get in a daily routine...eventually, lol.

My grandson returns to the pediatric cardiologist on September 6. At his last appointment, things were the same. Although we pray for improvement, we're thankful for no change as that means it isn't worse.

It is hard to believe my youngest grandson is now four months old. I took Big Brother to an appointment today and Baby H fell asleep in his carseat during the drive. I had to take this picture of his little hands folded, as if in prayer.  This is something new for him.

Thank you for your continued prayers! We so appreciate them!

Take care!